World Hunger and Solution based on ML and AI Tools to fullfil SDG2 Goals
Nearly 3.1 billion people globally could not afford a healthy diet in 2020, an increase of 112 million from 2019 due to the pandemic and war. The government of India has been providing free food, to prevent death from hunger, to its 814 million population since March 2020 under the National Food Security Act, which has been extended up to Dec. 2023 (The Economic Time, 2022). The total adds to 3.924 billion of 7.79 billion, about 50% world population for the year 2020, lacking proper food during pandemic.
The research paper “Data-Driven Knowledge Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Enhancing Farm Productivity & Global Food Security” published by Aprajita Srivastava & Dr. H. O. Srivastava in Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: A Physics and Space Science, talks about the future of farming. It suggests that data-driven knowledge agriculture using mechanized intelligent computer-based monitoring and control systems and complex software for machine learning and visualization for predicting a variety of parameters such as future food requirements, resource planning for higher yield, and supply chain is the future of farming. This needs to be urgently adopted by the world farming community to provide food to the growing world population, remove hunger, and at the same time sustain planet resources by judicious uses of input such as water, fertilizer, pesticide etc., as envisioned by Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Please see the research paper here