Prof. Dr. Sir H. O. Srivastava, IBS, K. St. J
M.Sc. M.Phil, Ph. D. (Info Sys.), Ph. D. (Chemistry), D. Lit. (Management), Chancellor WDF University

Date: August, 08, 2023:

The list of higher learning institutes in the world is very high. There is no definitive answer to the total number of B schools in the world, as different sources may have different criteria and methods of ranking them. However, according to one source, there are 2,165 schools that offer business degrees in the world. Another source contacted more than 2,500 B-schools in India alone for its ranking. Forbes lists 60 numbers of top business schools around the world. More higher learning Universities offer various degrees in Engineering, Science, humanities, Law etc.

The world environment is facing multiple challenges related to climate change, social unrest, general people’s dissatisfaction, and hunger. Let us summarize these.

I believe that the root cause of the problems has to do something with our education system. I will try to elucidate on this in my next blog.